MF Adele resides on the outskirts of the Rocket City in Alabama. She lives in her overactive imagination, often fueled by caffeine and no sleep. When she isn’t writing, MF is outdoors with her family or obsessing over spicy margaritas and cigars.
MF writes what she connects with. Her heroines are often emotionally challenged while remaining strong-willed. They’re snarky, chaotic, and refuse to be damsels in distress. She has a flair for misdirection, keeping her readers guessing until the end. Within the complex worlds she builds, her stories feature epic battles, murders, and graying the lines of morality.

TL Adele calls the Tennessee valley home. He works too much at his blue-collar job, never writes enough, and functions off of energy drinks and little sleep. He and his family love being outside, playing with the kids, or getting roped into insane crafting projects.
The nights and weekends he isn’t stuck working, you can find him at his computer writing or plotting… and throwing a few spicy comments toward his wife, MF Adele. TL enjoys writing action-packed stories laced with humor. His heroines are strong women who help complete the men in her life.